Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens on contact.
CD is activated MMS Master Mineral Solution – activated with a food acid. MMS immediately starts working the moment you swallow it. It oxidizes heavy metals in the body, as well as other molecular compounds that are anti-life. It is attracted to bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, and other bad stuff in your body.
MMS Master Mineral Solution quickly starts to work on oxidizing the pathogens out of your system.
Some people get real sick taking the MMS because their bodies are full of trash and needs a house cleaning. MMS causes an oxidation of toxins and pathogens. The MMS does not affect a healthy person. They can take MMS without nausea -- it is only real people sick with some kind of sickness who have to take it slow otherwise they will feel nauseous when taking it. But, nausea is a good indication that the chlorine dioxide drops are oxidizing the trash, and you need to keep taking it.

The immune system already makes chlorine dioxide in small quantities. It attacks sickness, pathogens, and other unhealthy conditions. By taking MMS, you are beefing up the immune system. By adding to the DS supply already there and making more of this oxidizer available to do the work, the body has a lighter load. People have asked if MMS might attack healthy cells, and the answer is No! As sick people take MMS, they know it’s what the body needs when they start having less pain. A sick person, on the other hand, will usually will have a nauseous reaction as there is kill off of pathogens. A person will sometimes get rashes, headaches, nausea, and fever and occasionally someone will vomit. This Herxheimer Reaction simply indicates that the patient was going too fast, and the dose was too large. There has never been any evidence of MMS damaging anyone. Just remember to go slow.
Signs that MMS is working are:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Stomachache
- Tiredness
- Nausea
The Herxheimer Reaction are temporary. They will soon go away. You may need to slowdown the drops for a half day. These conditions tell you that the body has either a die-off of pathogens, or it is oxidizing heavy metals. This will tell you that the MMS is releasing a big load of toxins – more than it can easily handle. You might have taken a little too heavy dose for the body to handle. So slack off and reduce your next CD drops to allow your body to catch up with the Herxheimer Reaction.
If these detox conditions are too hard to tolerate, you should slow down to even a 1/2 drop dose of MMS a day until the nausea goes away. When you feel a little better, start off again, but slowly increasing the amount. It’s a process of understanding what your body can handle.
When the patient is very sick, start with a half-drop dose or less. How do you make up a 1/2 drop dose? You can make a one drop batch by adding one drop of sodium chlorite 28% and activating it with one drop of 50/50 percent citric acid and distilled water.
After you take dose of the MMS, wait a couple hours and see what happens? Increase the dose if the person feels okay. Back off for a while if they shows signs of having nausea. Normally, everyone passes through some nausea, headaches, and diarrhea, and it does happen to almost everybody. Protocol 1000 in Chapter 13 says that A sick person should receive an hourly dose of MMS during the day for at least eight hours (8 times a day.) the client should start out with small doses such as 1/2 to 1 drop an hour and see how it goes.
If detox symptoms persists, drop you dose to a tiny quantity – a quarter of a drop an hour. The goal is to work up to 3 drops an hour for 8 hours a day (or a little more if all goes well.)
Signs That MMS is Working
There may be nausea at times but if it is not too bad, keep going with the treatment. Some people have a small amount of Herxheimer Reaction, and it might continue for some time. How many years has your body been sick with disease? Is there any medical remedy that will completely kill the virus, the bacteria, the fungus? Are you going to let a tiny bit of nausea stop you? The ministers of the Genesis 2 Church say, “Only stop if the CD gets to be too irritating!”