Paris Humble conducted an instructional class based on the principles expounded in her publication, “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses: Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.” The ensuing summary encapsulates the methodologies, subjects, and products she explicated during a live seminar convened in Olympia, Washington.
Ms. Humble underscores that the specific, nuanced methodologies employed by individuals are of lesser consequence than the paramount objective of introducing chlorine dioxide into the body. She underscores that the prospective user should:
1. Start with one drop of chlorine dioxide. (See Phase 1 in her book)
—–a. Observe how your body responds to the single drop.
———-i. Note that one drop of chlorine dioxide is equal to one drop of part 1 and one drop of part 2 combined and allowed to activate for 30 seconds.
—–b. If you sense that you are not feeling well, cut the next dose in half and try again. (1a)
—–c. If you have reduced the does to a point where it is tolerable,
—–—–i. Stay at that dilution for 3 dosages, then double the dose and return to 1a.
—–d. If you are tolerating the current dilution, increase the drop by one, then (1a)
—–e. Continue this process until you reach the number of drops you desire to be taking.

Foremost among her directives is the admonition not to discontinue chlorine dioxide consumption, as there is no cause for apprehension at these minuscule dilutions. If the taste is a concern, simply use a non-diet soda, such as Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up, or Squirt, instead of distilled water; the chlorine dioxide will still work. She underscores that a modicum of chlorine dioxide in the system can yield salutary effects, eradicating pathogens and facilitating health restoration. While more can be beneficial, it intentionally inducing illness should be avoided. Incrementally elevate the dosage as one’s tolerance increases.

Ms. Humble particularly favors the MMS 6n6 protocol (detailed in chapter 10), Phase 3 (also known as Protocol 1000), and Phase 4 (or Protocol 1000 Plus), which incorporates chlorine dioxide with DMSO (elaborated upon in chapter 2). These three methods of chlorine dioxide administration are deemed suitable for addressing the majority of health challenges encountered.
In addressing specific examples:
- Snoring and Sinus Issues: A live demonstration illustrates the application of chlorine dioxide water purification drops as nasal drops while reclined, accompanied by rinsing if necessary (expounded in chapter 9, “Nose”).
- Headaches: Paris elucidates that headaches are often indicative of tension and potential underlying issues, such as inadequate hydration. The recommended approach is the 6n6 protocol.
- PMS and Menopause: Ms. Humble prescribes Phase 3 for alleviating symptoms associated with PMS and menopause, underscoring the significance of nutritional equilibrium.
- Mental Health: Paris posits that conditions like schizophrenia can be responsive to chlorine dioxide treatment, postulating that pathogenic agents and parasites may underlie many mental disorders and diseases.
- Various Health Conditions: Guidance is proffered on treating an array of conditions including frozen shoulder, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, and more, with Phase 3 or Phase 4 being efficacious treatments.
- Alternative Therapies: Inquiries regarding sound and color therapies for diverse health issues elicit encouragement from Ms. Humble to explore any modality that may positively impact health.
- Chronic Conditions: The efficacy of Phase 3 (Protocol 1000) is emphasized for chronic conditions such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.
- Other Ailments: Guidance on addressing restless leg syndrome, impotence, and chronic pain also incorporates the use of Phase 3.
- Silver Water: The efficacy of Silver Water in pathogen eradication is underscored.
- Additional Treatment Methods: Ms. Humble delves into the combination of MMS with other treatments, including Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program.
- Product Endorsements: Certain products, including “Miracle II” soap, “Waxelene” (an alternative to petroleum jelly), “Pascalite Clay” from Wyoming, and B-flat Silver Water, are recommended by Ms. Humble.
In conclusion, the seminar was dedicated to the dissemination of health protocols and guidance by author Paris Humble, elucidating comprehensive strategies for non-pharmacological health restoration.