Using MMS in your Holistic Healing Process

Taylore Vance

Using MMS in your Holistic Healing Process

I learned about Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS, several months ago through Reiki Masters in my circle of associates. Many stories were shared by those who were using this simple healing protocol. They were treating a range of conditions from blurry vision to shoulder pain, digestive issues, and aching joints. I decided to stand by as an observer, and watch the effects from an intuitive, clairvoyant perspective.

MMS was originally used to treat Malaria, a mosquito-transmitted disease that is often fatal. The documented results are dramatic. This inexpensive treatment has profound results. But what about the effect MMS has on other diseases and conditions? Will this detox program have the same success with the ailments of our western culture?

I began to focus on the holistic aspect of healing: bringing the entire system back to the state of wholeness. This is the true definition of healing. When we look at holistic healing, we often think of the entire body system and restoring balance. When I looked at the healing process using MMS on a variety of conditions, I was drawn to a far greater scope of holistic wellness. To completely release the weaknesses or ailments of the body, we really need to heal all aspects of self: body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

We live in a powerful, wealthy society. We have our electronics, our advances in science, and access to foods from around the world. Yet we are also a society filled with illness. Many of our conditions are intertwined with our thoughts and emotions. I turned to my Reiki Master friend and suggested that the MMS protocol could be maximized by adding the Reiki Healing and Release techniques.

Drawing our attention to our wellness on every level can make a powerful detoxification or healing protocol even more powerful. Chlorine Dioxide is the secret of Miracle aspect of Master Mineral Solution!

Estee Taschereau is a Successful Living Coach and Intuitive Counselor as well as a Reiki Master in traditional Reiki and Laser Reiki. Private phone appointments are available for informational & self-healing assistance sessions.

Thinking about buying MMS? Here’s a great place to buy the original formula — the Jim Humble’s approved “Miracle Mineral Solution- MMS” with a secure shopping cart:

MMS is shipped every day, 100’s are benefiting from Miracle Mineral Solution in detoxifying the body!

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