Paris Humble

Someone recently asked about using chlorine dioxide with Protocol 1000, so I want to offer some clarity. Protocol 1000 is a method my father, Jim Humble, developed, which has become the gold standard for using MMS (Master Mineral Solution) to address various health issues. While many protocols are available, this one stands out for its simplicity and wide-ranging effectiveness.

Understanding MMS

MMS is created by mixing a 28% sodium chlorite solution with an acid activator. The activation process is critical to ensuring its efficacy. The two-part kits available at sporting goods stores for purifying water found in the camping and hunting departments typically instruct how long to activate the solution. Once activated, the mixture should be diluted in at least four ounces of distilled water. It’s essential to follow the specific instructions that come with your kit, as formulations can vary.

The Two-Part Kit

I use the commonly available two-part kit, approved by the EPA and FDA as water purification drops. Part 1 contains 28% sodium chlorite, and Part 2 is a 50% citric acid solution (the same citric acid found in lemons). The process I follow involves combining equal drops of both parts in a clean, dry glass. For example, if I’m preparing a dose, I’ll mix three drops of Part 1 with three drops of Part 2. After swirling them together for 30 seconds to activate (you can tell it is activated by seeing that it has turned a yellow or amber color, and you can smell the scent of chlorine), I add four ounces of distilled water. This is what I consider one serving.

Protocol 1000 Instructions

Protocol 1000 calls for eight to twelve servings per day, taken hourly. I recommend using a non-metal container (preferably glass or medical-grade plastic) to make this more convenient. Here’s the process I follow for an entire day’s supply when using the aforementioned two-part kit of chlorine dioxide water purification drops:

  1. Add 24 drops of Part 1 to 24 drops of Part 2 in your container.
  2. Swirl the mixture and allow it to activate for 30 seconds.
  3. Fill the container with distilled water.

This container will provide you with eight servings for the day. It is crucial to keep the container sealed and away from heat and sunlight. Storing it at room temperature or in the refrigerator works well, whichever you prefer.

CDS 3000: An Alternative Option

Chlorine dioxide has evolved, and my father worked closely with Andreas Kalcker to develop a more refined version called CDS 3000 (Chlorine Dioxide Solution). This method, which Andreas patented and shared freely, creates a purer form of chlorine dioxide by distillation.

While CDS 3000 is more pure, it’s less potent than MMS, requiring a larger dose to achieve the same effects. Specifically, you will need eight times the amount of CDS 3000 compared to MMS. If you’re preparing a day’s supply using CDS 3000, follow this method:

  1. Add two teaspoons of CDS 3000 to a quart or liter container.
  2. Fill the container with distilled water—no need to activate or wait since CDS 3000 is pre-mixed and ready to use.

This version of Protocol 1000, utilizing CDS 3000, is further explained in my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses, as the Phase 7 Procedure.

DIY Make Your Own CDS 3000

There is an easy tabletop method to make your own CDS 3000 using the two-part chlorine dioxide water purification drops. Here is the least complicated do-it-yourself method to make CDS 3000:

Materials Needed:

  • One glass quart jar with an airtight seal
  • One shot glass
  • Two-part chlorine dioxide water purification kit


  1. Prepare the Jar: Fill the quart jar three-quarters full with distilled water.
  2. Mix the Solution: In the shot glass, combine 40 drops of Part 1 and 40 drops of Part 2. Swirl gently to mix, and allow the solution to activate for 30 seconds. You should observe a yellow or amber color and detect a chlorine scent.
  3. Float the Shot Glass: Carefully place the shot glass on top of the distilled water in the quart jar, ensuring it floats and does not submerge. Seal the jar tightly. This setup enables the chlorine dioxide gas to escape from the activated solution and be absorbed into the distilled water.
  4. Allow to Set: Leave the jar undisturbed overnight. By morning, the contents of the shot glass should appear clear, with only salty remnants remaining.
  5. Repeat the Process: Rinse and dry the shot glass and add another 40 drops of Part 1 and 40 drops of Part 2. Repeat the mixing and activation process as before. After an additional eight to twelve hours, the shot glass should be clear again.

After completing these two rounds of distillation, the water in the quart jar will contain CDS 3000, a concentration of 3000 parts per million of chlorine dioxide suspended in distilled water. This is the maximum natural concentration achievable through this method. If necessary, refer to my book for more information.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide clarifies how to use chlorine dioxide, whether through the traditional MMS method or the more refined CDS 3000. For more detailed information, I encourage you to refer to my father’s book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, or my book. As always, before embarking on any health restoration alternatives, it’s vital to consult with a healthcare professional or a natural alternative specialist.

My deepest wish is that you find the relief and healing you’re seeking through these non-pharmacological methods.

Paris Humble


Taylore Vance

Against all odds, a researcher named Jim Humble stumbled upon a method to defeat most, if not all, cancer. His results are delineated in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, where he discloses using chlorine dioxide for cancer. His methods were vehemently rejected by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association, who launched extravagant witchhunts, seeking to destroy Jim Humble’s reputation and squelch his Cancer Protocol 2000, which follows:

Cancer Protocol Stage One

Follow these steps daily for 21 days (3 weeks) or until you recover. Perform them every hour for ten consecutive hours each day.

  1. Activate the MMS Solution: In a dry glass container, mix the chlorine dioxide MMS solution (28% sodium chlorite with 50% citric acid). Wait 30 seconds for the drops to turn amber.
  2. Add Water: Pour in ½ cup of clean, purified water.
  3. Drink Immediately: Consume the mixture right after preparing it. Do not prepare in advance.

If you begin to feel worse than your current “normal,” reduce the MMS dosage to a level where you no longer feel worse. Taking a dose that makes you feel ill won’t speed up healing; it can slow down the process. This is especially crucial if you’re already dealing with a condition that causes uncomfortable or severe symptoms. Lower the dosage as needed to avoid intense detox symptoms, but do not stop taking MMS. You can increase the dosage again when you’re ready.

Dosing Guidelines for the Cancer Protocol:

  • Starting from the Initial Procedure: If you’re directly beginning Jim Humble’s Cancer Protocol to address a life-threatening condition like cancer, start with 1 drop every hour for 10 consecutive hours. Increase the dosage comfortably until you reach three drops per hour for 10 hours daily.
  • After Completing Protocol 1000, you should already be taking 3 drops per hour (if not, increase at a comfortable pace).

Gradually increase your dose in one-drop or half-drop increments until you reach the highest dose suitable for your body weight without feeling worse than your illness alone makes you feel. You may feel slightly unwell at some point, indicating that you should pause increasing the dose until you feel better. Then, continue increasing the dose.

MMS Cancer Protocol Dosing Chart:

Weight MAXIMUM dosage
80-100 lbs (36-45 kg) 8 drops per hour
100-120 lbs (45-54 kg) 8 drops per hour
120-140 lbs (54-63 kg) 9 drops per hour
140-160 lbs (63-72 kg) 10 drops per hour
160-180 lbs (72-81 kg) 11 drops per hour
180-200 lbs (81-90 kg) 12 drops per hour
200+ pounds Add one extra drop for every 20 lbs over 200 lbs

For example, if you weigh 220 lbs, take 13 drops; if you weigh 240 lbs, take 14 drops, etc.

In rare cases, a person might take more than the maximum doses listed if the illness does not improve with the maximum dose. However, the doses listed are usually adequate for healing. Only exceed these doses if you’ve reached the maximum and have seen no improvement after 2+ weeks. Then, consider increasing the dose incrementally.

Cancer Protocol Stage Two

In Stage Two of the Cancer Protocol, you will add calcium hypochlorite to your existing MMS regimen. Begin this stage about 3-4 days after starting MMS, as outlined in Stage One. When adding calcium hypochlorite, do not increase your MMS dosage until you have reached the full dosage described below. While adjusting the calcium hypochlorite, maintain your current MMS dose. For example, if you were taking six drops of MMS, continue with six drops per hour until you reach the total calcium hypochlorite dose. Then you can increase your MMS dosage again, keeping the calcium hypochlorite steady at the recommended level.

Instructions for Stage Two:

  1. Prepare Capsules: Obtain capsules and fill them with calcium hypochlorite. Use #1 size capsules or #0 size if filled to only ¾ full.
  2. Fill Capsules Incrementally: Start by filling capsules ¼ full (or ⅛ if using #0 size). Gradually increase your dose over the following days. Prepare five capsules each at ¼ full, ½ full, ¾ full, and full. If you experience severe detox symptoms, remain at a lower dose and be prepared to fill capsules at half full. Avoid preparing too many capsules at once to maintain flexibility in your dosage.
  3. Dosage Timing: Take the first capsule (¼ full) half an hour after your second MMS dose of the day. For example, if your second MMS dose is at 8 a.m., take the first calcium hypochlorite dose at 8:30 a.m. Continue taking MMS as scheduled. Repeat this every two hours for a total of five doses of calcium hypochlorite each day.

Sample Dosing Schedule:

Time Action
9:00 am MMS dose
10:00 am MMS dose
10:30 am Calcium hypochlorite dose
11:00 am MMS dose
12:00 pm MMS dose
12:30 pm Calcium hypochlorite dose
1:00 pm MMS dose
2:00 pm MMS dose
2:30 pm Calcium hypochlorite dose
3:00 pm MMS dose
4:00 pm MMS dose
4:30 pm Calcium hypochlorite dose
5:00 pm MMS dose
6:00 pm MMS dose
6:30 pm Calcium hypochlorite dose

Important Note: Never take an MMS dose that includes DMSO simultaneously as a calcium hypochlorite dose, though they will likely not be taken close together.

Cancer Protocol for Childhood Cancer

While the MMS Cancer Protocol guidelines have been detailed above, there are specific considerations when administering this protocol to children with life-threatening illnesses like cancer. Before starting, carefully read both the general Cancer Protocol section in the Jim Humble book tailored for children to understand the protocol entirely. The guidelines are similar for both children and adults; the main difference is the dosage. Be sure to read everything thoroughly!

Dosage Information for MMS and Calcium Hypochlorite for Children:

MMS Dosage Guide for Children:

Weight Maximum Dosage
10 lbs or less (4.5 kg or less) Up to 3 drops per hour
10-20 lbs (5-9 kg) Up to 5 drops per hour
20-40 lbs (9-18 kg) Up to 5 drops per hour
40-60 lbs (18-27 kg) Up to 6 drops per hour
60-80 lbs (27-36 kg) Up to 7 drops per hour

Calcium Hypochlorite Dosage Guide for Children:

Weight Maximum Dosage
Children under 75 lbs (34 kg) Do not use calcium hypochlorite for children under 75 lbs.
Children 75-100 lbs (34-45 kg) and up Start with #4 capsules filled ¼ full, increasing to ¾ full over two days.

Children under 75 pounds should not be given calcium hypochlorite. For children over 75 pounds, calcium hypochlorite can be included with MMS if the child can swallow capsules without biting or choking. Ensure the child is comfortable swallowing capsules, as biting them or allowing them to dissolve in the mouth can be unpleasant. If swallowing capsules is a concern, omit calcium hypochlorite from the protocol.

Before administering calcium hypochlorite to a child, carefully review the Cancer Protocol and MMS basics in the book. The administration rules are the same as for adults, but dosages differ. Refer to the table above for your child’s correct dosage, substituting this information for the adult dosages in the previous section.

Important Note: As noted earlier, do not administer DMSO simultaneously with calcium hypochlorite. Exercise caution, as this combination can have serious consequences.

For more details about Jim Humble and his Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), consult his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

For information on DMSO and combining it with MMS, see Herb Roi Richards’ book, DMSO for Humans: Recipes and Treatment.



In the realm of alternative medicine, Jim Humble’s discovery of chlorine dioxide’s formidable antimicrobial properties has sparked a wave of interest and controversy. Known as MMS (Master Mineral Solution) or Miracle Mineral Supplement, this compound has garnered attention for its potential to combat a wide range of microbial infections, including certain cancers.

Jim Humble

The Power of Activation: From Sodium Chlorite to Chlorine Dioxide

Jim Humble’s research revealed that its antimicrobial efficacy is significantly enhanced when sodium chlorite is activated into chlorine dioxide. The process of activating sodium chlorite involves mixing it with citric acid, resulting in the formation of chlorine dioxide. This potent molecule has since been recommended as a treatment for infections and even certain types of cancer, such as melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and breast cancer.

Understanding the MMS Supplement

The MMS supplement, containing 28 percent sodium chlorite, differs from common table salt (sodium chloride) and has been utilized in alternative medicine for over 70 years. Available in various forms, including chlorine dioxide water purification drops, this supplement has been embraced by individuals seeking natural remedies for microbial conditions such as colds and flu. Its efficacy, affordability, and non-toxic nature have contributed to its widespread popularity when used responsibly.

Navigating Controversy and Criticism

Despite its perceived benefits, the MMS Supplement has faced intense scrutiny and opposition from regulatory bodies and medical authorities. The FDA launched a media campaign against Jim Humble and his advocacy for chlorine dioxide as a treatment for chronic illness and diseases. Paris Humble, the author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses, Jim’s daughter, has distanced herself from claims of MMS curing diseases, echoing the supporters of chlorine dioxide who argue that it effectively targets pathogens without harming human cells, paving the way for the body’s natural healing process.

The Role of Chlorine Dioxide in Water Purification

Chlorine dioxide’s antimicrobial properties extend beyond medicinal use. It has long been employed in water treatment to eliminate harmful pathogens. Municipal water systems worldwide utilize chlorine dioxide to pre-treat drinking water, safeguarding public health against waterborne diseases. Despite its effectiveness, the FDA prohibits its direct consumption, citing concerns over its classification as industrial bleach.

Exploring Protocol 1000 and Beyond

Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000 outlines a regimen for utilizing chlorine dioxide to address various health concerns. By administering activated drops of chlorine dioxide at specific intervals, individuals may experience improvements in their condition. Furthermore, the development of highly purified forms of chlorine dioxide, such as CDS 3000, offers alternative options for therapeutic use.

Exploring Chlorine Dioxide Home Treatment

Firstly, it’s essential to ensure that chlorine dioxide is effectively ingested. While using chlorine dioxide produced through the Part 1 and Part 2 process may have an unpleasant taste, pre-mixed solutions like CDS 3000 offer a more palatable alternative, as Paris Humble prefers. Additionally, DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) can be combined with chlorine dioxide for topical applications, providing a method for delivering chlorine dioxide to specific areas without the need for ingesting it.

When determining the dosage for CDS chlorine dioxide solution, it’s important to note that five drops of CDS 3000 are equivalent to one drop of MMS. This information can help individuals accurately measure and administer chlorine dioxide for optimal results.

Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions

Contrary to misconceptions, chlorine dioxide operates selectively, targeting pathogens while sparing beneficial organisms. Tests conducted on plants and insects demonstrate its efficacy in combating pathogens without harming living organisms. Moreover, its diluted concentration and safety profile suggest a favorable risk-benefit ratio when used responsibly.

Do Your Research and Decide for Yourself

As interest in chlorine dioxide grows, it is essential for individuals to approach its use with caution and discernment. Consulting natural medical professionals and conducting thorough research can help individuals make informed decisions regarding its potential benefits and risks. While chlorine dioxide holds promise as a natural antimicrobial agent, its utilization should be guided by scientific evidence and medical expertise.

The journey of chlorine dioxide, from its discovery by Jim Humble to its widespread utilization in alternative medicine, underscores the ongoing quest for natural solutions to microbial infections. As research continues to shed light on its therapeutic potential, individuals are encouraged to explore its benefits responsibly and in consultation with natural alternative specialists.

In summary, while chlorine dioxide home treatment is an alternative approach to addressing health concerns, individuals should proceed with caution and consult natural healthcare professionals when necessary. By understanding the proper methods of administration and dosage guidelines, individuals can make informed decisions about incorporating chlorine dioxide into their personal wellness routines.


Jim Humble discovered a simple molecule that could have extraordinary consequences for world health, and he falls into the category of adventurous people with an inquisitive and industrious truth-seeking mind. As a mining explorer, Jim Humble scoured for precious metals in remote tropical areas plagued by diseases. He bravely used readily available water treatment drops to treat a dire case of malaria. Due to a miraculous recovery in just four hours, he embarked on a life-long pursuit to research, perfect, and share his discovery.

The compound in question is the chlorine dioxide ion, consisting of a single chlorine atom paired with two oxygen atoms. Due to the lack of access to healthcare in Jim Humble’s area, he devised a solution of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) that, when combined with acid, briefly produces chlorous acid (HClO2). Through a series of reactions, this converts ambient chlorite (ClO2-) into chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Humble successfully used this substance, which he named Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), to treat some dire cases. As evidence mounted, medical professionals joined his cause and developed it into a simple therapy purported to cure a wide range of illnesses and save countless lives worldwide. The use of MMS has rapidly spread globally and has amassed millions of devoted users.

You can find all the essential information on the Internet, including Jim Humble’s book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

With the help of European institutions, doctors across Africa are now providing this treatment to those areas most afflicted by endemic diseases. His clinics and educational center train people in how to use this therapy, and he has also set up clinics.

MMS has recently been vehemently condemned by the FDA and has been banned from being sold. Indeed, MMS lacks all the research data required for conventional pharmaceuticals. The fact that it is unpatentable and extremely inexpensive makes it difficult to imagine anyone spending millions of dollars to test its safety and efficacy.

Due to the number of people who are already consuming this product, it would be advantageous if African medical authorities would conduct a phase-4 study to determine whether there are indeed any long-term toxic effects (other than the obvious short-term effects of saving someone’s life).

According to Jim Humble, MMS can be used to treat cancer as well as viral infections like AIDS.

Globally, especially in developing countries, people are empowering themselves by making and administering this cheap remedy on their own, overriding local and regional health authorities.

Chlorine Dioxide Solution: What is it used for?

The product is chlorine dioxide, commonly referred to as MMS, MMS1, or Master Mineral Solution (AKA Miracle Mineral Solution), and is derived from a 28% solution of sodium chlorite. This solution is available over the counter in sports shops as chlorine dioxide water purification drops found in the camping section for purifying open water in the field making it safe to drink. You will find the two-part kit accompanied by citric acid to activate the sodium chlorite.

This substance acts as a chemical oxidizer that can eliminate harmful stressors by breaking down the biofilm where pathogens hide. It also has the ability to dissolve in water and eradicate most disease-causing pathogens while aiding in the removal of metals and toxins through chelation. Its mild oxidizing properties allow it to effectively carry out these functions without damaging healthy bacteria and flora.

It was initially used to treat malaria, but over time, it has been discovered that the Master Mineral Solution is also effective in treating other conditions as well. Let’s examine some various conditions that can be treated using chlorine dioxide and the dosage required for each.

Malaria treatment

When Jim Humble discovered how potent the compound was, he went ahead and refined it, giving it the name MMS. Huble was summoned to Africa and helped many people who were dying of malaria before he taught them how to administer chlorine dioxide for malaria treatment.

One should add one drop of 50% citric acid to every single drop of 28% solution of sodium chlorite. After adding the citric acid, the mixture should be allowed to stand for thirty to forty seconds before adding half a glass of clean, pure, preferably distilled water, or apple juice (without added vitamin c). The result of one drop Part 1 added to 1 drop Part 2, allowed to mix and activate for 30-40 seconds is the equivalent of 1 activated drop of MMS.

Issues related to bacteria

To treat bacterial problems with this sodium chlorite product, it is suggested to follow Protocol 1000, which is three activated drops of MMS in four or more ounces of water taken once an hour for 8 hours a day over a three-week period. MMS has demonstrated efficacy in destroying harmful bacteria. It can be challenging to manage, and some may struggle with the full recommended dose, which is why starting with a lower amount of one or two drops per hour and adjusting based on your level of illness is recommended. If you feel able to handle more, you can gradually increase the dosage. But if you experience negative effects, reduce the amount.

It is the chlorine dioxide compound in MMS that kills and destroys most waterborne pathogens and germs that cause disease.

Chlorine dioxide solution (also known as MMS) is mainly used in municipal water treatment and food processing of meat products, seafood, fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and drinks, making them safe for human consumption.

There are many incredible benefits to taking Master Mineral Solution. This solution can be used by anyone who wishes to experience positive health results.

What is the Chlorine Dioxide MMS Molecule?

A life filled with good health and physical well-being is desired by all. It’s a great feeling to wake up in the morning and start the day feeling energized. However, for many, this is not the reality. Aches and pains are unfortunately a common occurrence, but they should not be considered a normal part of life. Not all bacteria are harmful – in fact, most are beneficial! There is a natural solution to feeling better and it has been discovered in nature’s elements.

The MMS Solution is a natural remedy that effectively treats joint and bone pain. It has been proven to reduce swelling in the body, which can cause discomfort and limit movement. In situations where pain hinders daily activities, chlorine dioxide, also known as the Master Mineral Solution, may provide relief. This powerful liquid oxygen has been found to be particularly beneficial for individuals who frequently experience infections. By ensuring your water is free of harmful microbes, this supplement can promote an overall sense of well-being.

Extensive research and study have been dedicated to the effectiveness of the chlorine dioxide molecule, and the findings overwhelmingly support its status as one of the top water sanitizers currently available. As a result, numerous individuals have incorporated this natural compound into their daily routine for protection against endogenous pathogens and more. It is intriguing that this powerful molecule, known as MMS, has been utilized in municipal waters worldwide for nearly six decades now.

The healing properties of Miracle mineral supplement make it a superior cleansing agent, effectively targeting aches, pains, and pathogenic infestations. Countless success stories have been reported from adding chlorine dioxide to drinking water. Each outcome is individually supported, as different illnesses require unique treatments. For optimal results tailored to your specific needs, it is crucial to carefully follow the instructions when using the Master Mineral Solution. Always adhere to the directions in order to fully experience the benefits for your particular situation.



Individuals and healthcare professionals often encounter many options when seeking alternative approaches to disease management. While conventional research avenues yield familiar recommendations aligned with mainstream medical practices, delving deeper into alternative sources unveils many unconventional remedies.

Freedom from Sickness and Disease

Jim Humble promoted the idea that healthcare and maintenance should be fundamental human rights that can be managed by any citizen of the United States of America on his own behalf. Somewhere along the way, government-controlled healthcare became the new normal, and prices paid by the sick to prolong life became the most extravagant in the USA, more expensive than anywhere else in the world.

It was so expensive that one president who promised healthcare for all delivered the proposition that tax-paying citizens would be penalized by their tax burden if they did not buy or have healthcare insurance. This penalization of taxpayers is an interesting solution that further complicates the healthcare problem, though profiting the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies greatly.

What if you could eliminate any disease for pennies using chlorine dioxide? Author and DMSO proponent Herb Roi Richards shared his story, “How I Kicked Chronic Lyme Disease in One Year for Pennies,” in his book Lyme Disease Non-Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, using none other than Humble’s chlorine dioxide. It certainly gives one the idea that eliminating incurable diseases using natural alternatives might very well be an option.

Even a cursory online search reveals numerous alternative medical modalities in today’s digital age. The spectrum of options is extensive, from ancient herbal remedies to modern holistic therapies. Yet, amidst this diversity, unconventional treatments have emerged with notable efficacy and intrigue.

Among these alternatives, chlorine dioxide therapy has garnered attention for its ability to combat diseases. Pioneered by Jim Humble, who coined it “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS), chlorine dioxide therapy has been credited with transformative outcomes in millions of individuals grappling with life-threatening illnesses. Humble’s findings were disclosed in his book, MMS, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.


The premise of chlorine dioxide therapy challenges traditional medical paradigms, suggesting that doctors could eliminate most, if not all, medical patients’ diseases by targeting underlying pathogens. Humble’s pioneering work paved the way for subsequent advancements by figures like Wayne Rowland, who used chlorine dioxide in combination with silver water to eliminate disease, along with Herb Roi Richards‘ DMSO, parasite cleansing, deworming, and gut rebuilding, has illuminated the potential efficacy of these inexpensive substances. Rowland’s Disease Elimination Kit is detailed in his book Silver Water Colloidal.

However, the journey towards embracing alternative therapies has been challenging. Amidst growing interest in holistic wellness and medical alternatives since the mid-1970s, a concerning trend emerged post-2015. A significant decline in the ranks of natural alternative specialists, mainly attributed to sudden fatal illness, raised eyebrows within the holistic healthcare community, resulting in many pulling back from the promotion of natural alternatives, as they witnessed their peers die unexpectedly due to “natural causes” (heart failure).

Since professionals in the field noted statistics of the deaths throughout 2015, the foreboding conclusions led to career changes and retirements, the disproportionate heart disease among holistic partitioners ceased, while the long arm of the law reached out to embrace the Food and Drug Administration, giving them full support to criminalize natural alternatives to pharmaceutical medications and authorized medical procedures.

Heart disease and cancer are the two predominant causes of death in the USA for which there is no cure in sight, even with all the medical prowess wielded by American medicine backed by our best science and extravagant monetary funding. Nevertheless, many seek alternatives and live to tell the stories considered lies, or at the least fanciful fairy tales propagated by fools or swindlers. Though those who have won their campaigns against untreatable diseases may not be respected, they outlive their doctors.

DIY Chlorine Dioxide Kit

Despite concerted efforts to discredit, silence, and regulate alternative practitioners, interest in chlorine dioxide water purification drops persists. While figures like Jim Humble and Wayne Rowland may no longer be among us, their contributions endure as guiding beacons for those exploring unconventional avenues in healthcare.

In navigating this evolving landscape of medical alternatives, individuals are encouraged to exercise discernment and autonomy in their pursuit of wellness. While the road ahead may be fraught with regulatory hurdles and skepticism, the quest for effective and accessible healthcare remains an enduring pursuit. 




Chlorine dioxide is a mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with citric acid. Jim Humble nicknamed the solution MMS when sodium chlorite (NaClO2) was activated with citric acid. Since chlorine dioxide eliminates bacteria, fungi, viruses, and small parasites in a wide pH range, it is known as the best disinfectant. It has been used to disinfect drinking water for 80 years without causing problems. In industrial settings, it is widely used for disinfection.

Jim Humble

In his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, Jim Humble purports that chlorine dioxide (MMS) works well for many illnesses, but it can cause diarrhea as a side effect and has a bad taste. Chlorine dioxide (CD), or ClO2, is the result of an acid reaction with sodium chlorite (NaClO2) which makes chlorine dioxide. The resulting CD is very soluble in water and evaporates at 11°C or 33.8 F.

Why is it so effective against pathogens?

In a gas state, chlorine dioxide will be found in a yellowish / green color. It consists of two oxygen atoms and one chlorine atom. At normal temperatures and pressures, it is water soluble, and has a chlorine-like odor. It is denser than air & water soluble at normal temperatures & pressures.

Chlorine dioxide has the unique ability to both donate and receive electrons due to its chemical makeup. In other words, chlorine dioxide is an electron donor, so it can readily accept electrons.

This gas has high solubility in water and, when dissolved, will break down to release free oxygen, similar to ozone or hydrogen peroxide. It is noteworthy that oxygen-based compounds tend to be stronger reactants and oxidizers compared to chlorine-based ones. The combination of oxygen and chlorine in a single molecule makes it extremely effective at eliminating waterborne pathogens, making it a widely used water sanitizer around the world.

Due to its effectiveness as a sterilizing agent and cost-effectiveness, this compound is widely utilized across various industries including healthcare and food service. It has been officially registered by the Environmental Protection Agency for these specific uses. Beyond its industrial applications, a stabilized form of ClO2 is also commonly used by outdoor enthusiasts for purifying drinking water while hiking or camping. These portable chlorine dioxide water purification drops can be conveniently purchased at popular camping supply stores such as REI or online retailers like Amazon.

To deal with extreme contaminants like Anthrax and Ebola, the military and EPA use chlorine dioxide at high dosages, and even the USDA and FDA register chlorine dioxide for decontamination.

Chlorine Dioxide for Health Concerns

Humble’s Protocol 1000 is one of the more well-known (but intense) regimens, whereby three drops of MMS (3+3) are taken in four to eight ounces of water every hour for eight to twelve hours. This type of protocol allows the compound to do more work on the pathogens in the body by allowing a small amount of chlorine dioxide to stay in the blood for a long period of time. Even if it were taken more often, it wouldn’t last as long in the body if it were only taken twice a day. A maintenance dose is considered three to five drops in four to eight ounces of water once in the morning and once in the evening for preventative maintenance.

What are the health risks associated with chlorine dioxide?

When using ClO2, one must be aware of the Herxheimer Effect, named after the doctor who first studied it, which suggests that if the body detoxifies too fast, it can cause nausea, stomach distress, or diarrhea. As such, when detoxing the body, it’s best to start slowly.

Chlorine dioxide aids in the removal of heavy metals from the body. Chlorine dioxide can also help to mitigate the damages suffered by other problems, such as malfunctioning thyroid glands, endocrine glands, nervous systems, brains, and livers caused by metal buildup.

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) Alternative Formulation

Chlorine dioxide or MMS can be used to make Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS). In CDS, there is no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) in the solution and its pH is neutral. The solution is a concentrated aqueous solution containing 0,3% (3000ppm) of chlorine dioxide gas and requires no mixing or activation period (wait time) prior to use.

This CDS 3000 parts per million concentration is made via distillation process. CDS has only chlorine dioxide gas suspended in solution that is bubbled by the water that is pH neutral and has many advantages, as it does not usually cause irritation or side effects like MMS or CD. There is a do it yourself process whereby one can make CDS 3000 at home for DIY enthusiasts.

Topical Application of Chlorine Dioxide

Diluted chlorine dioxide solutions are used to treat surface wounds and burns by disseminating via spray bottle. There is a manner by which chlorine dioxide can be rubbed onto the skin to deliver directly to a specific location inside the body without puncturing the skin by mixing it with DMSO. According to DMSO for Humans author Herb Roi Richards, Ph.D., mixing chlorine dioxide with DMSO can deliver the CD directly to the targeted area with surgical precision without breaking the skin, not even a puncture wound.

DMSO has the unique ability to combine with the solution fully and carry it through the protective layers of skin, through tissue, muscle, and bone to deliver it to where it is needed, making chlorine dioxide and DMSO a winning combination.

Treating Burns with Chlorine Dioxide

Author Paris Humble and promoter of the use of chlorine dioxide as a healing agent has used it to recover from severe burns. By applying it to a burn wound, it neutralizes by products that can be generated immediately or within a few hours of application. The solution should not be left on a wound for more than five minutes when treating injuries, but if the pain doesn’t subside, it can be used in short bursts without exceeding five minutes if the pain persists.

Paris Humble’s Book on Chlorine Dioxide’s Health Benefits

Continuing the case of researching and educating others about the possibilities of using chlorine dioxide or MMS as a means of healing oneself holistically, Jim Humble’s daughter authored a book in 2022 called, “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration,” highly regarded by MMS practitioners. Her father’s work is carried on by Paris Humble in this book.



It’s surprising that the FDA is so strict about allowing access to a substance that we are either exposed to, protected by, or consume in one way or another daily. Specifically, we’re referring to chlorine dioxide for human consumption. The FDA’s caution against consuming pure chlorine dioxide is justified as it could be harmful if you were to drink it in any manner that would be contrary to directions on the bottle or in the accompanying instructions. It’s worth noting that this chemical is deemed safe as a disinfectant and is commonly used in food production to eliminate harmful microbes. The residue it leaves behind consists mainly of salt and minimal traces of other elements. It is also used in other industries.

Sanitizers Made of Chlorine Dioxide

Prior to the introduction of new, more expensive, and patentable formulations that were more profitable for use in medical sanitization, chlorine dioxide was famously used in hospitals as an inexpensive disinfectant. Now, it is used in many industries from food and beverage processing and preparation to hospitality and as a biocide for tools and equipment.

Purification of Water with Chlorine Dioxide

In most municipal water treatment systems, chlorine dioxide is still used to keep water delivered to homes and businesses safe for drinking. Outdoor enthusiasts and travelers use chlorine dioxide drops to purify their water. Chlorine dioxide is used in the field as a water purifier, to make safe drinking water from water that may be contaminated, in recreation and in military applications where exposure to potentially contaminated water may be a concern. Chlorine dioxide is renowned as the most effective and inexpensive water purifier for keeping drinking water safe and clean from bacteria and pathogens.

A Powerful Pathogen Killer: Chlorine Dioxide

According to the American Society of Analytical Chemists, chlorine dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. This is why it is so effective as a broad-spectrum pathogen annihilator, as it kills all kinds of viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and more, unlike antibiotics that are less effective and only target one to three pathogens at a time.

Detoxification by Chlorine Dioxide

By consuming chlorine dioxide in safe dilutions, heavy metals trapped inside the human body can also be released. This is a safe and inexpensive way to detoxify the body.

Is chlorine dioxide capable of killing pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi?

It’s that question. And it’s a question medical providers and pharmaceutical companies don’t want to answer or entertain. Why? Because chlorine dioxide is safe, cheap, and more effective as a broad-spectrum annihilator of most if not all of the bugs in the human body. It is famously recommended and authorized for the annihilation of all these pathogens outside the body, but the FDA and your doctor are likely to claim that it is dangerous, leading to the,

Controversy Over Chlorine Dioxide

Considering that toxins and pathogens are the main causes of disease, what would happen if we removed them from inside our bodies using the same chemical that is recommended for the environment all around us for only a few cents?

You may have guessed that the pharmaceutical companies and their government arm, the FDA, are doing everything they can to prevent chlorine dioxide from being consumed by humans for fear that doing so could potentially ruin their profitability.

What if people who used chlorine dioxide could actually end ailments and disease so inexpensively?

Accident Revealing Chlorine Dioxide’s Healing Potential

Quite by accident, a prospector mining gold in Venezuela discovered chlorine dioxide as a health supplement. The prospector, Jim Humble, had no medicine to treat the men, and they were far from any medical facility without any way to call for help. His workers developed severe malaria cases out in the field, and they were dying.

In an attempt to keep the dying men comfortable and hydrated, Humble treated creek likely contaminated water with chlorine dioxide to make it as safe as possible. Quite miraculously, the workers recovered and within hours returned to their normal health, ate a meal, and returned to work.

Inspiration from Chlorine Dioxide

Humble became scientifically obsessed with the substance after returning to the United States and devoted his life to researching and discovering how to use it to heal the human body.

The Book by Jim Humble

The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium contains Jim Humble’s research, including case studies and testimonials. As a result of the ban on and other publishers, the book is difficult to obtain, although some independent retailers still carry it.

Humble Jim Humbled

Having been harassed and attacked by pharmaceutical companies and their long arm of the law, the FDA for years, Jim Humble admits to being humbled. If a do over were possible, he would have released his findings in a more restrained fashion, but he was overly excited about the enthusiastic victims of diseases claiming that chlorine dioxide had completely healed them.

Chlorine Dioxide, just one drop

Using a glass of water containing a single drop of chlorine dioxide, which he nicknamed MMS, Jim Humble discovered that suffering victims of disease could ingest a solution he called Miracle Mineral Solution. Depending on the individual’s reaction to the drop of MMS in the glass of water, the sufferer can adjust the number of drops of MMS in the glass in either more or fewer ways.

Chlorine Dioxide and Lyme Disease in One Couple

One story of a Dr. of Natural Nutrition and his wife’s complete recovery from incurable chronic Lyme disease is documented in the husband’s account of their experience using chlorine dioxide in Lyme Disease Non-Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Dr. of Natural Nutrition, Herb “Roi” Richards. At that time, they were armed with a two-part chlorine dioxide kit and Humble’s first books, Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century, also known as the Jim’s yellow books. The author details their meeting with Jim Humble and using the chlorine dioxide solution to forever rid themselves of the disease and all its various complications.

Body Reactions to Chlorine Dioxide

As with any detoxification process, negative reactions could occur depending on the toxicity of the human body in question. The reactions of concern were the symptoms of detoxification, which were undesirable to say the least. It is Karl Herxheimer who discovered these adverse reactions when detoxifying syphilis patients, and this group of negative symptoms is now known as the “Herxheimer Reaction.”

Herxheimer Reaction Management

Individuals experiencing Herxheimer reactions to chlorine dioxide were empowered by Humble to reduce the number of drops until their negative reactions were tolerable. Among the most common Herxheimer reactions are nausea, headache, fever, tremors, tearful eyes, runny noses, vomiting, and diarrhea. Even a fraction of a drop in a glass of water would minimize the side effects to levels that are acceptable to the sensitive individual.

It is not the substance that causes the Herxheimer reaction, in this case chlorine dioxide, that causes it, but rather the killing off of so many pathogens. By recognizing the rapidly growing population of dead pathogens as an immediate threat to the body, the body responds in an emergent manner to dispose of the trash as quickly as possible.

Humble Paris

Following in her father’s footsteps, Paris Humble promotes the use of chlorine dioxide as a natural alternative but approaches it with caution. In her book, “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration,” she emphasizes that this solution does not claim to cure any illness. Instead, she stresses the importance of allowing the body’s natural healing ability to take over by eliminating harmful toxins, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and fungi through the use of chlorine dioxide.

DMSO and Chlorine Dioxide

The author of DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans, Recipes & Treatment, Herb Roi Richards, and Paris Humble agree that combining chlorine dioxide and DMSO is a winning combination, as it allows the individual to use MMS transdermally, through the skin. DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans, Recipes & Treatment author Herb Richards calls this injectionless administration of chlorine dioxide (MMS). You can achieve the same result by combining the two ingredients and applying them topically.

For chlorine dioxide to be administered, Richards recommends mixing three times the amount of DMSO with the amount of chlorine dioxide. After applying the product to the area of treatment, rub until smooth. Do not cover or contaminate the treated area for 10 minutes. You can rinse the area with cold water, apply ointment, or cover it with clothing.




It is the volatile nature of chlorine dioxide when it contacts pathogens that make it so effective both in water systems and within the human body. As Doctor Hesselink has pointed out in Chapter 22 of Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Part 2, the very nature of the malaria parasite prevents it from ever developing a resistance to chlorine dioxide. However, we also believe that the volatility of chlorine dioxide also helps prevents pathogens from developing a resistance to it. It’s sort of like trying to develop a resistance to hand grenades. You just can’t do it.

Normal levels of oxygen in the blood cannot destroy all of the pathogens present under disease conditions, however, when chlorine dioxide is adsorbed with the oxygen it is a different story.

5 Electrons

When a chlorine dioxide ion contacts a harmful pathogen, it instantly accepts five electrons from the pathogen, or it might be more descriptive to say that it instantly tears off five electrons. An extremely fast chemical reaction is in essence an explosion, and this is exactly what happens on a microscopic level. The damage to the pathogen is a result of losing electrons to the chlorine dioxide ion and the release of energy. The pathogen, basically, is oxidized by chlorine ions and as a part of the action the chlorine becomes a harmless chloride (table salt). Two atoms of oxygen are released as ions from the chlorine dioxide ion, but the oxygen has little effect other than to attach to hydrogen ions making water or attach to a carbon ion to make carbon dioxide.


It is the process of the chlorine dioxide ion oxidizing pathogens or other harmful chemicals that is beneficial to the body. Although the two oxygen ions of the chlorine dioxide ion are released, their charge level does not result in oxidation. The same process continues throughout the body where chlorine dioxide ions contact pathogens. It does not attack beneficial bacteria or healthy body parts, as their pH is not below 7. It will also oxidize diseased cells, such as infections or cancer. In the event that the chlorine dioxide does not contact a pathogen or other poison, it deteriorates into table salt and hypochlorous acid that is useable by the body.

Greatest Capacity of All Oxidizers

A scientific paper published on the Web by Lenntech Company explains the reaction strength of chlorine dioxide as opposed to many other oxidizers.   Chlorine dioxide is the weakest oxidizer of them all.   However, it has the greatest capacity of all the with the ability to accept 5 electrons.   Ozone as a comparison is the strongest oxidizer of them all and oxidizes everything in its path that is capable of being oxidized, but it can accept only 3 electrons. Chlorine dioxide being a very weak oxidizer oxidizes only, heavy metals, and diseased body cells that easily oxidized.    It does not have the oxidation strength (electron potential) strong enough to oxidize body cells, aerobic beneficial bacteria.  However, when contacting items within its oxidation potential range, it has the ability to accept more electrons that any of the other oxidizers, and thus it is extremely effective.

Lymph Nodes

The lymph nodes, for example, are one of the areas where the blood normally releases oxygen to oxidize various poisons in the node and then it carries the oxidized poisons away to the liver. The red blood cells carry the chlorine dioxide ions the same as oxygen and thus chlorine dioxide ions are also released in the lymph nodes. The chlorine dioxide ions are inert to normal cells, but they will destroy disease pathogens found there.


A minute amount of naturally produced chlorine dioxide is found in the human body and one of the chemicals that chlorine dioxide helps to create as it deteriorates is myeloperoxidase a chemical that the immune system needs. The immune system uses this chemical, myeloperoxidase, to generate hypochlorous acid. The body uses hypochlorous acid extensively to kill parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses, tumor cells, natural killer cells, and to destroy some waste products under normal conditions. However, diseases and body conditions can result in a deficiency in the hypochlorous acid needed to destroy the pathogens that are present. This is due to a medical condition known as myeloperoxidase deficiency. In the case of many other diseases there are other immune system reactions that can overcome the diseases, however in the cases of malaria and other extreme diseases, there is not enough hypochlorous acid to kill the parasites or pathogens, nor are there any other immune system reactions that can destroy them. Thus, the hypochlorous acid created by chlorine dioxide as it deteriorates in the body is probably another mechanism by which malaria and other diseases are destroyed.

~ Jim Humble in The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Part 2




The goal with life-threatening situations is to quickly get MMS circulating in the blood while trying to stay under the nausea level. One way to achieve this is by adding DMSO to activated MMS so that it can act as a carrier for sending MMS directly into the skin and muscles and thus into the blood. Experience and testing have proven that DMSO is carried directly to any cancer in the body and it then penetrates the cancer cells.


This is not speculation; it has been proven through testing. The theory is that when DMSO is carrying MMS, it will take it into the cancerous cells, thereby killing the virus that makes the cells cancerous. Many cancers have been healed in this way, and I hear about it since many people have phoned me stating that their cancer is gone.

  • When using this treatment, always also take MMS by mouth, as in Protocol 1000 or 2000.

Clara Beltrones in Mexico has used Protocol 3000 quite extensively and she helped to develop it. Along with Protocol 2000, she has used it with many cancers.

ALLERGY WARNING: Very few people are allergic to DMSO or have very weak livers and can experience significant problems with DMSO. To test whether or not you are allergic to it, perform this test:

  • Carefully wash and dry your arm;
  • Add one drop of DMSO to one spot on your arm and rub it in;
  • Give it about 15 minutes to soak in and then wait several hours.

If there is no pain in your liver area, it is probably safe for you to use DMSO, which will be the case for 99 out of 100 people. However, to be safe, wait 24 hours to make sure you have no reaction to the DMSO.

If you do have a bad reaction to DMSO, you need to work on improving your liver. Begin taking a half drop of MMS1 each hour using Protocol 1000. Continue with the half drop until you feel it is safe to take more. This will clear up your liver and probably other problems that you have.

The MMS/DMSO treatment described below is an accelerated skin technique that pushes MMS into the blood plasma. In the case of cancer, it should be used in addition to a normal oral regimen of MMS.

DMSO Procedure Steps

Step 1: Make an MMS solution by activating 10 drops of MMS with 10 drops of 50% citric acid or 50 drops of 10% citric acid.

Wait 20 seconds for the 50% citric to activate or 3 minutes for the 10% citric to activate. Add 20 drops of water or less add one tablespoon of 70% DMSO and immediately spread the mixture over one arm or leg.

Step 2: You can spread the MMS and water mixture on the body part first and then spray DMSO over the top of the MMS on the same area and then gently rub and spread it. You can put a plastic bag over your hand to rub the solution into your body, or you can just use your bare hands.

  • Do not use rubber gloves or other medical gloves. You could get rubber into your body as the DMSO melts the rubber.
  • If you notice a burning sensation, the best technique is to place a teaspoon of water on the burning area and rub it in. Keep that up until it is no longer burning. Or use a spray bottle with just water in it for such problems.
  • You can rub olive oil and aloe vera juice on the skin after the DMSO application. Use a different part of the body each time you apply the MMS/DMSO combination. Over 8 hours, use one arm first, then the other arm, then a leg, then the other leg, then your stomach, then back to the first arm.
  • If the burning is severe, add distilled water to the DMSO up to 50% and more, and also to the MMS, as either one can cause the burning. Add enough distilled water so that the burning does not occur.

Step 3: Repeat this process once every other hour on the first day, and once every hour on the second and third days. Then quit for 4 days and do the same thing the next week. Remember, when you quit for 4 days, continue taking MMS by mouth.

After the first week, you can go for 4 days a week if there is no problem with your skin.

  • For extra sick people who should take smaller doses, it would be best to start out using only a small area of the body. I suggest using an area about the size of your palm or the back of your hand, no larger. Use a small area like this for several days before going to a larger area such as the entire arm or leg. Use a larger area only if there is no bad reaction in the smaller area. Or instead, use the added distilled water trick mentioned above. Or for daily use, add up to 10 times the water mentioned above to the entire formula of MMS and DMSO combination, and spray it on your body.

DMSO is a well-known carrier substance used widely by doctors since 1955 as a way to carry medications directly into the skin. It is available in drugstores and health food stores in most states and also on the internet and at animal supply stores. On the internet, search for DMSO.

Before writing to the MMS Institute or Jim Humble about specific disease questions, please visit the knowledge base and click on various diseases that may be of interest. An email contact address is provided there if you can’t find an answer. But do not use older protocols given there – be sure to use the protocols given in this book. (Our websites are being updated and improved during 2011.)

Whenever drops of MMS are mentioned, they are activated drops.

You can make activated MMS in either of two ways — using 50% citric acid or 10% citric acid.

~ Jim Humble in The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium


Keri S.

For nearly 10 years, I had been suffering from what I later found out was Lyme disease after many misdiagnoses and countless ineffective treatments for them. Finally, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease after a doctor covered for my doctor when he was out sick. The substitute doctor identified the Lyme disease bacteria. Unfortunately, there is no cure for chronic Lyme disease, only muting the symptoms as they present themselves until you die. If you are fortunate enough to be correctly diagnosed quickly after being infected, antibiotics can eliminate the Lyme bacteria. If not, what can you do about it?

While struggling with the late discovery and the persistent chronic condition, one day, I came across Herb Roi Richards’ book, Lyme Disease Non-Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, where he explains how he and his wife, kicked chronic Lyme disease in one year for pennies. It was a worthy effort at explaining what they went through which offered me hope of doing the same. Unfortunately, I had hoped for a list of “do this” and/or “do that” to achieve the same results that the author and his wife had enjoyed. Yeah, not so much, but I had enough information to keep looking around to find the information I needed. At least I knew that they had attributed their results to chlorine dioxide which was nicknamed MMS by Jim Humble.

Be forewarned that if you search for this online, you will encounter a flood of anti-chlorine-dioxide and anti-Jim-Humble propaganda which will suggest that taking MMS is the same as drinking bleach and it will kill you, and that Jim Humble is a con man who has made himself wealthy from the people he has persuaded to drink bleach, especially targeting the elderly, sick, and dying to victimize for his evil plot.

Of course, none of this is true, but it has sent Jim, the discoverer of the health benefits of chlorine dioxide (MMS), into hiding outside the United States where they (primarily the FDA) have banned his message. His books have subsequently been banned on Amazon dot com.

I was able to find Paris Humble’s Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration Book on Amazon and got a copy before they were also banned. Finally, I was able to find a specific “How to” approach to addressing my chronic Lyme disease (no thanks to my doctor). I settled on Chlorine Dioxide Phase 3 (also known as Protocol 1000). If you’re unable to find Paris’ book, you can find Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000 all over the Internet (if you don’t use Google).

Back to Herb’s story about kicking chronic Lyme, it took him and his wife a year to eliminate the disease, but back then, they only had Jim Humble’s yellow books, which were released long before Jim Humble had discovered Protocol 1000, so they were taking a lot of (maybe too many) drops of chlorine dioxide water purification drops throughout their waking hours.

Protocol 1000 is the simple and easily manageable three activated drops of water purification solution in 4 to 8 ounces of water every hour for 8 hours every day. After I had committed myself to doing so, I found myself free from years of trying to “deal with” what turned out to be chronic Lyme disease in four months. I couldn’t believe it, one-third the time it took the Richards to kick their Lyme disease.

Since then, I have kept taking a maintenance dose of 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the evening, to avoid cold, flu, and virus exposure, and I couldn’t feel more confident about doing so.

Negative Chlorine Dioxide Propaganda Campaigns

There was an FDA article published in 2019 warning people not to drink chlorine dioxide, also called MMS, by the Food and Drug Administration. According to the article, chlorine dioxide is a strong chemical that can be used as bleach, is an active ingredient in disinfectants, and has additional industrial applications. According to the FDA report, “MMS Consumers Are Drinking Bleach,” and people should not swallow it. Considering lemon juice, vinegar, and even sunlight can be used as bleach and disinfectants in industrial settings, this warning is meaningless.

Notice that the only ones who are trying to frighten potential users of MMS are the FDA and anyone who automatically mimics everything they spill out. Let’s face it people, you’re taking one to three drops of MMS in 4 ounces of water, which is 2400 drops (or 8 ounces which is 4800 drops). Do the math. No one is drinking bleach here. No sane person would do that. It makes you wonder why the FDA would be motivated to assert such aggressively exaggerated accusations.

What’s the truth about MMS? Is it an effective home remedy or an industrial cleaning chemical?

Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): What is It?

Master Mineral Solution, also known as MMS, is a chemical compound that deactivates poisons and pathogens in the body.

When sodium chlorite and food-grade acid are combined, chlorine dioxide is formed. The two components are kept separate until just before use when they are combined.

As a water purification and disinfectant solution, MMS has been used for decades. In 1996, Jim Humble discovered that MMS could be used internally to treat malaria. Then he popularized MMS for treating other illnesses and ailments, and now there are testimonials of people who have used it for:

  • Inflammatory arthritis
  • The disease of autoimmunity
  • Infections caused by bacteria (sinus infections, antibiotic-resistant infections, etc.)
  • UTIs
  • The cancerous tumor
  • Candida
  • Flu/colds
  • Healing of wounds
  • The autism spectrum
  • Virus-associated illnesses (Lyme disease, HIV, plantar warts, herpes, etc.)

> MMS has also been used successfully to treat pets’ ailments.

Many Testimonials can be found online.

Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): How does it work?

According to Paris Humble, daughter of Jim Humble and author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses, the basic premise of using chlorine dioxide for individual health benefits is as follows:

Water is purified using chlorine dioxide in public water systems, and vegetables, meats, drinks, and other items are preserved using chlorine dioxide, according to FDA regulations. According to the human body, 60%-75% of its contents are water. As chlorine dioxide purifies water in public water systems, it should also be able to purify the water in the human body. When the body’s water is purified, and many poisons are destroyed, it can then heal itself.

As Paris explains, chlorine dioxide oxidizes pathogens and poisons in the body.

The process of oxidation either removes electrons or changes their positions. This either kills or transforms pathogens.

Chlorine dioxide water purifier breaks down glyphosate, a toxic poison found in Round-Up. It has been linked to cancer, autism, and other chronic and acute illnesses. In the gut, chlorine dioxide water purification drops are oxidizing agents used by immune cells to fight pathogens, allowing immune cells to be more effective at fighting pathogens.

What is MMS and How Do I Get Started?

Jim Humble’s Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium book about MMS, I recommend reading the whole book, but if you need immediate support, start with page 39 – Safety Precautions.

The following are some general points:

  • If you have a septic tank, don’t pour MMS down the drain
  • Taking MMS can cancel out the effects of birth control pills (the pill is toxic anyway, so I recommend tracking your cycle instead).
  • MMS should not be consumed undiluted (use common sense, please)
  • Avoid getting undiluted MMS on your skin; it can cause burns

Page 62 – General Procedural Information – explains how to make and take Protocol 1000 and how to gradually build up to taking 1 dose every 8 hours.

To minimize the Herxheimer reaction, increase the dose of MMS gradually. Your body will be killing pathogens, which release poisons into the bloodstream and cause nausea, diarrhea, and skin breakouts.

The Monkey Diet suggests that we will enjoy exceptional health benefits from eating foods our bodies were designed for and avoiding processed and prepackaged foods which may not be serving our best interests but those of investors who profit from our adversities.

When the “die-off reactions” make you feel worse than the illness you’re trying to treat, Paris suggests:

In the event you continue to experience these symptoms, continue to reduce your MMS intake by one-half until you no longer feel worse than your illness is making you feel. Once your Herxheimer symptoms subside (nausea, diarrhea, etc.), slowly increase the dosage in accordance with your protocol, but not to the point where you feel worse than you already do with your illness.

If you are doing your MMS protocol for the first 8 hours of the day, you can take supplements and herbal tea in the evening.

What is the Best Way to Take Chlorine Dioxide?

There are two liquid components required to produce chlorine dioxide: sodium chlorite and liquid food-grade acid as the activator which creates chlorine dioxide when mixed and allowed to activate for 30 seconds with the sodium chlorite.

How to Make Chlorine Dioxide

  • In a clean glass, put one drop of the mineral solution and one drop of the activator solution. That is equivalent to one drop of MMS.
  • The liquid will turn amber after about 30 seconds, signifying the creation of chlorine dioxide.
  • Add to and drink 4 to 8 ounces of purified or distilled water.
  • Make sure you use purified or distilled water, not just filtered water. Minerals in filtered water can react with the MMS and reduce its potency. I use distilled water.
  • You will take 1/4 to 1 drop at a time, depending on your protocol.
  • For instance, to take 1/2 a drop, you would mix 1 drop with 8 ounces of water, pour off 4 ounces, and drink the remaining 4 ounces.

Pre-made MMS Solutions Are Available

MMS is available over the counter in two main formats

  1. As a two-part kit to purify water. Part 1 consists of a 28% sodium chlorite solution and Part 2 50% citric acid. This is the most economical set and is used all over the world to purify questionably sourced water all over the world.
  2. The other form of MMS is available in a premixed solution known as CDS 3000, where the 3000 represents the 3000 parts per million (PPM) found in this purer form of MMS which is made via the distillation process. Note that CDS 3000 is 1/8th as powerful as the solution made from the two-part kit. Though it does not require mixing, you will need 8 times the drops of CDS to equal one drop of MMS made from the two-part kit.

MMS or Chlorine Dioxide for Long Term Use

Chlorine dioxide (MMS) has helped people get off medications, address autism, and reverse cancer, according to testimonials I’ve read and watched.

Thanks to Herb, Paris, and Jim, I feel like I am in charge of my life’s ongoing health condition. Thank you all for having the courage to put the information out there for us.

Eternally grateful, Keri S., Oregon

Chlorine Dioxide / MMS: Have You Used It?

How has your experience been with MMS? Let us know in the comments!